  gloomier, gloomiest, gloomily, gloominess

Aaron. Aaron's. Abba. Abba's. Abbe. Abbe's. Abbey. Abbey's. Abbot. Abbot's. Abbott. Abbott's. Abby. Abby's. Abdul. Abdul's. Abe. Abe's. Abel. Abel's. Abelard. Abelard gloomier, gloomiest, gloomily, gloominess .

gloomy | gloomier [comparative] | gloomiest [superlative] | melancholy [synonym, sense-specific] | pessimistic [synonym, sense-specific] | black [synonym, sense .

3GPP. a. A.

's. Aaron. Achilles. Adam. Adamson. Addison. Adolf. Aesop. Afghan. Afghanistan. Afghans. Africa. African. Africans. Alabama. Aladdin. Alan. Alaska. Albany. Albert .

a. aa. aapa. aapas. aardvark. aardvarks. aardwolf. aargh. aas. ab. abaca. abacas. aback. abacus. abacuses. abaft. abalone. abalones. abandon. abandoned. abandons .

gloom and doom also doom and gloom. the feeling that a situation is bad and is not likely to improve There's been so much gloom and doom here, I think we should try .

a. aa. aaa. aaas. aarhus. aaron. ababa. abaci. aback. abacus. abacuses. abaft. abalone. abandon. abandoned. abandoning. abandonment. abandons. abase. abased .

the. to. and. of. a. that. in. is. i. you. it. for. this. on. have. we. was. are. be. with. they. but. he. not. as. what. at. think. one. about. there. do. all. from .

aachen. aachens. aaliyah. aaliyahs. aardvark. aardvarks. aaron. aarons. abaci. aback. abacus. abacuses. abacuss. abaft. abalone. abalones. abandon. abandoned .

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adjective, gloom�i�er, gloom�i�est. 1. dark or dim; deeply shaded: gloomy skies. 2. causing gloom ; dismal or depressing: a gloomy prospect. 3. filled with or .

gloom�y (gl m) adj. gloom�i�er, gloom�i�est. 1. Partially or totally dark, especially dismal and dreary: a damp, gloomy day. 2. Showing or filled with gloom .

What is a gloomier, definition of gloomier, meaning of gloomier, gloomier anagrams, gloomier synonyms

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abed able aces ache acko acre acts adds afar aged ages agin ahem ahoy aide aids ails aims aint airs airy ajar akin alas ally alms alow also alta alto alum amid amok .

He came to see me in a gloomy winter day.

gloom�y (gl m) adj. gloom�i�er, gloom�i�est. 1. Partially or totally dark, especially dismal and dreary: a damp, gloomy day. 2. Showing

gloomier, gloomiest, gloomily, gloominess

or filled with
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