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The faster dual-core A5 chip. The 8MP camera with all-new optics also shoots 1080p HD video. And introducing Siri. It's the most amazing iPhone yet.

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The iPhone is a line of Internet and multimedia -enabled smartphones marketed by Apple Inc. The first iPhone was unveiled by Steve Jobs, then CEO of Apple, on January .

The most complete resource to find and download free software for Apple Mac OS X, iPhone, and iPad. Update your Mac software automatically with MacUpdate Desktop.

PCMag.com provides up-to-date coverage and product reviews of iPhone applications

iPhone Downloads for u provides the plaform where you will find latest iPhone software with reviews, awards and comments on them.

If it ain't broke, don't fix it -- right? We know countless reviews of the iPhone 3GS may begin with that clich�, but there's little chance you'd find a .

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